As we head into 2021 men everywhere are thrilled to put the troubling year of 2020 in the rear view mirror. But nowhere does God promise that 2021 is going to be any better than 2020, yet He does promise that Jesus will be personally praying for you 24/7 throughout the year!
“Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us.” (Rom 8:34) “Jesus is able to save forever those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for us.” (Heb 7:25)
On the night before Jesus died on the Cross for our sin to make all who receive Him right with God the Father, He prayed specifically for each of us (John 17:20). According to Exodus 12:1-14 in the Jewish calendar that night was New Years eve as the Jewish New Year starts during Passover which is when Jesus died on the Cross as the Passover Lamb who takes away our sin (John 1:29-36). Take courage as Jesus always prays for us and knows exactly what you need (Heb. 2:17, 18; 4:14–16) in complete accord with the will of the Father to become more like Him in 2021.
As the “most seat-belted, bike-helmeted, air-bagged, kneepad-wearing, private-schooled, gluten-freed, hand-sanitized, peanut-avoiding, sunscreen-slathering, hyper-insured, massively medicated, password- protected, valet-parked, security-systemed, inoculated and immunized generation in history, afraid of everything” (Erick Konsmo), we want to encourage you in the New Year with what Jesus prayed and is now praying for you as we head into 2021 as no one prays more than Jesus!
GUARD them! (John 17:11, 12; 1Pet 5:10; Jude 1:24; 2Tim 1:12).
Father, “keep them in Your name” by protecting and strengthening them by Your character as they walk through this broken and hostile world. What aspect of the Father’s character do you most need in 2021?
UNIFY them! (17:11, 21-23;13:34–35). Father, may Your diverse church for whom I died be united in heart at the foot of the cross as they bring every area of their lives under My Lordship even in a deeply polarized world. What division in your life needs to be unified in Christ?
FILL them! (John 17:13) O Father, I long that My men stop filling their lives with things that really don’t matter and are not fulfilling. So I ask that You fill them with the joy that we have shared for eternity past. Is your heart joyful in Christ? With what will you fill your life in 2021?
SANCTIFY them! (John 17:16–19; Eph 2:13–22). Father, grow them as you carve and chisel their lives with the truth of Your word. Make them hungry for My holiness as You ‘set them apart’ (sanctify) from the world and sin that they may be fully devoted to You. Where is God most sanctifying you with the sharp chisel of His word?
SEND them! (John 17:18, 21–23;Matt 28:16-20; Acts 1:8). You have sent Me, Father, now send them as salt and light (Mt 5:13-16) into every crevice of the globe as a living witness to Me. Multiply them through discipleship as authentic and compelling witnesses of My grace and power to change a man from death to life (2 Cor 5:17-21). How will you represent our Lord Jesus Christ in the coming year right where He has strategically placed you for His glory?
LOVE them! (John 17:23, 26). Overwhelm them with the same love with which You have overwhelmed Me that it might overflow through them to whomever You place in their lives. Who has He sovereignly placed right in front of you to love in His name?
DRAW them! (John 17:24; Ps 42:1-2; 63:1-4; 73:25; 2Cor 3:17–18; 1 Jn 3:2; Phil. 3:20–21). Father, I long to be with them throughout each day and then for eternity. I love these men and their families! O how I can’t wait to share My glory, which You gave me, with them! So bring them close to Me this year in repentant faith and faithful obedience. And if they ever feel distant, convict and convince them that I have not and will never withdraw from the covenant promise which I have made to them. What will you do to daily draw near the Father to experience His glory?
Which excites your heart the most for 2021? Why? Which will you be praying for your family? Pray together now!