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What We Do

Empowering Men To Focus Their Living


Men's Forums

Men's Forums are weekly gatherings of men where the only agenda is to encourage each other to meet the pressing demands of our personal, family and business lives using God’s principles of maximum manhood from the bible. Our time together is focused, fun, practical and informative, designed to help you connect with God. Experience the difference 59 minutes can make in your life!

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GRIP Discipleship

Making disciples of Jesus Christ is at the core of what we’re about at Focused Living. That might look like helping a man get connected to Jesus Christ for the first time, or helping men go deeper in their relationship with Christ. For men wanting to invest in another man’s spiritual journey, we currently offer a set of discipleship tracks called GRIP. When our heart is gripped by God’s hands, then our hands will do what’s on God’s heart!

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Wired Outreach

God has designed men to be connected or “wired” to Him as our power source for living. Wired Outreach events are one-shot gatherings in a Q&A format where men can ask questions and receive answers from God’s perspective in order to take the next step in their spiritual journey.

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David invited me to a Focused Living Men’s Forum which was an eye-opening experience because of their transparency and authenticity with each other. They were real dudes who told their life stories using everyday language I could identify with. It helped me to open up and be one of the guys. Over several months of relating with these guys, I actually prayed to receive Christ with yet another new friend, Perry, who challenged me to submit my life. I’ve been involved in the Forums and GRIP discipleship ever since!


Paul Cochrane took me to a FLM Men’s Forum to be around men who would encourage me on my spiritual journey and answer my many questions. I remember that it was after one of the Thursday morning Men's Forums that I put my faith in Jesus Christ and received His forgiveness. Perry was the first call I made to tell him of this good news as he had been praying for me. He was so excited to hear it. Since then my new church home, the Men's Forum and GRIP discipleship have helped me grow in my faith and walk me through my transition into marriage and fatherhood.


Our Ministry Partners

The Gospel breeds partnerships. That’s been our experience at Focused Living. As we implement the mission to which God has uniquely called us, we look to our left and right and see other ministries following God’s unique call on them. Sometimes God leverages these mutually esteeming relationships into some form of partnership. Here are a few ministries with whom we have a current relationship. Men within our Focused Living family have found meaningful connection / service opportunities with each of them.

“I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the Gospel” Apostle Paul (Phil 1:5)