Built 2 Bless
The home in which you live, the building in which you work, the stadium in which you cheer, and the church where you worship were all built to be a blessing. They were designed with the purpose of being both enjoyed by you and useful to others. In the same way God is building you to enjoy Him and has called you to be a powerful blessing to others. Our focus this year as we learn from the book of Colossians is how God builds our spiritual foundation in order to be a blessing to our wives (3:18-19), families (3:20- 21), friends (4:7-18), businesses (3:22-4:6), and churches (3:5-17).
“As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith…” (Col 2:6-7)