Psalm 81:13 “Oh that My people would listen to Me, that Israel would walk in My ways!”
God wants us to have listening ears because His words lead us toward abundant life. But as we all know, it’s possible to hear words that are spoken clearly and yet those words can have no impact on our actions.
Key Question:
What does God want me to hear and take to heart from this text?

Transfiguration 9:2-13 (Matt. 17:1-13; Luke 9:28-36)
Jesus takes his ‘inner circle’ to the top of a high mountain and gives them a glimpse of his magnificent glory. Why here? Why now? Jesus and the disciples hear the Father’s voice from the cloud. Why is this significant for the disciples? For Jesus? (Mk. 1:11; Mk. 4:9,20;
John 12:23-24, 28; 2Pet.1:16-18)
Jesus keeps their focus on the suffering Messiah (Ps 22; 118:22-24; Isa53). Elijah was mistreated, the Messiah is also going to be mistreated. If you follow me, you will face it too (Mal. 3:1, 4:5-6; Luke 1:17; Matt. 11:14; 17:11-13).

Healing of a boy (Parallels Jesus’ baptism, Mk 1:9-13)
As they come down the mountain, it was a quick snap back to reality in this fallen, depraved world. The disciples and the demon possessed boy’s father had a similar problem. What was the problem?
The disciples were not able to defeat this evil spirit. What does this teach me as I face a similar battle with spiritual forces in my life? (Eph. 6:10-18)
Jesus foretells His death, again
This is the second of three times Jesus reveals the details of what He has come to do as the Messiah. Why does Jesus want His disciples to hear Him clearly about this? (1Cor. 15:1-5)

Kingdom humility 9:33-41
As the disciples continue to think according to the pattern of this world, Jesus reveals that God measures greatness differently. What are the disciples learning about greatness in the kingdom of heaven? (Prov 11:2; Phil 1:15-18; James 4:6-10;) How great of a man am I by Jesus’ criteria?

Jesus redirects the disciples thinking, “If you are going to think about yourselves, think about this.” Then He lays out a serious warning of sin’s danger to others as well as to ourselves. (Matt 5:29-30; 1Cor 6:12-20; Heb 12:1; Rev 3:19) In your own words, what did Jesus just tell you? Is there anything in my life that I need to cut off, unplug, throw away, or flee from because it’s keeping me from the holy abundant life that Jesus has for me?