HOLY SHIFT Mark 6:45-56; Matt 14:22-33; John 6:16-21
For two years, Jesus has been progressively revealing Himself through His words and works. And now Jesus is going to give his disciples a life-altering glimpse of His Glory. A shift occurs that moves them from fear to faith, from wondering to worshipping, from confusion to confession. Something real is happening here, and we see the evidence the next morning…
So Jesus said to the twelve, “You do not want to go away also, do you?” Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. “We have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.” John 6:67-69
Real Storm Mark 6:47-48a (Matt 14:24; John 6:18)
Adversity is inevitable. We’d rather avoid the storms of life because they magnify our neediness. Yet, the attention-getting nature of storms is God’s avenue to reveal more of Himself to us. Indeed, the heart of God is to come to us in our storms. Can I identify a storm (“straining at the oars”) in my life? How might Jesus be setting me up for a deeper revelation of Himself (Mark 6:45; 4:35-41)? What was Jesus doing while the disciples strained at the oars (6:46-48a)? What is He doing while I experience my storm?

Real Fear Mark 6:49-51
“Fear not” is the most repeated command in all of Scripture (366X).
On what basis is it reasonable for me not to fear? (Ex 3:14; Isa 43:1-7)
Where am I currently tempted toward fear? If Jesus were to speak to me in that area, what might He say to me?
Real Courage Matt 14:28-29
Peter has a posture of obedience toward His Lord. With a mixture of fear, faith, and doubt he leaves the safety and security of the boat and walks toward Jesus.
What challenge in my life right now is so large that I have no hope of doing it apart from God’s help?
Where is God inviting me to walk on water?

Real Desperation & Failure Matt 14:30
Failure is never final when God is in the picture. God delights to rescue you because He delights in you (Ps 18:19). There’s no shame in crying out to God in desperation.
What role have personal failures played in my growth in the past? What is currently capturing my focus that distracts my pure gaze on Jesus?

Real Experience of God Coming Through
Remember! Don’t forget what Christ has done in your life, past and present. Don’t forget the Cross. Don’t doubt His love and care for you. He is for your greatest good.
Where has God come through for me? How can I build the practice of remembering into my life?