Scripture: “Then Jesus declared, ‘I, the one speaking to you– I am he.’ …Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, ‘ Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?’” - John 4: 26, 28-29
The story of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well has many lessons within this short interaction. Reading this story, I often think of how intentional Jesus was in traveling through Samaria and for interacting with this Samaritan woman, a group of people whom the Jews of this day looked down upon and did not interact with. I also think about the compassion he had for her, and how he offered her a new way of life.
However, there is one key detail that I never realized until recently. After engaging with Jesus, the Samaritan woman left her water jar at the well! Her entire purpose, priority, and focus of traveling to the well was to get water for the day. However, after her encounter with Jesus, her purpose, priorities, and focus were different. She quickly left her jar behind and ran to tell the others in her town about meeting the Messiah.
This encounter makes me ask myself many questions. Am I as overwhelmed by my encounter with Christ, that my focus and priorities have changed? What things have I left behind that I once coveted? And am I sharing the Good News with others?
As we begin this new year, let us be like the Samaritan woman, who was so overwhelmed by her encounter with Christ and the life he offered her, that her focus, priorities, and purpose became new.
Prayer: Lord, as we begin a new year, help us center our hearts, minds, and actions around you. Please help us leave behind the things of our old life, so that we may find the joy, peace, and contentment that only you can provide. Amen.
Submitted by Richard Slater
Richard attends the Wednesday forum in Columbia and is a GRIP participant. Richard and the executive team at Southeastern Freight support our Monday forum by allowing Focused Living to meet in their training room. Thank you Richard!