On my (Perry) way to surprising my dad for his 95th birthday, I noticed a weight limit sign while approaching a small bridge. It got me thinking about the many things in life with weight limits. Elevators, trampolines, picture hooks, airline luggage, kayaks, mountain bikes, fishing line and pick-up trucks all have weight capacities for which they were designed. Based on the snap, crackle and pop I hear, I can sense my knees have a weight limit as well!
It is to our immense benefit that our Creator God has no weight limit! He alone can support the weight of our lives (Is 9:6; Col 1:17). In fact, His glory (Hebrew “kabod”) literally means that He is THE HEAVYWEIGHT in all of creation. We encounter no weight limit signs as we pass our burdens to Him over the bridge of prayer.
With great confidence in the glory of our no-weight-limit God, why not entrust the weight of your life into His hands this fall? Bring Him your headaches, heartaches, questions, worries, burdens and dreams.
Like Moses, cry out: “I pray, show me Your glory” (Ex 33:18)!
Like David, declare: “On God my salvation and my glory rest; the rock of my strength, my refuge is in God” (Ps 62:7)
Like the hymn writer, Edward Mote, repeat:
On Christ the solid Rock I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.