Years ago, my father graciously gave me (Perry) his old upright piano so that my girls could learn to play. It was a beautiful old brown Steinway, which needed to be tuned after the move to our house. I watched with awe as the tuner skillfully adjusted each of its 230 strings to just the right pitch starting with middle ‘C’. Upon completion, he looked at me with a Cheshire grin saying, “Watch this!” As he struck the middle ‘C’ key I was amazed as the 'C’ strings of all 7 octaves started to vibrate in perfect unity though he only played one key!
Jesus Christ is our middle ‘C’. The more precisely the strings of our hearts are tuned to Christ, the more powerful will be our unity in every area of life. We live in a fallen world characterized by disunity. Deep divisions are commonplace in our marriages, families, communities, and nation. Even our churches are prone to division as the evil one gleefully cheers(John 10:10). According to God, true and lasting unity is found only in a Person, Jesus Christ. He is our middle ‘C’. The night before Christ died in our place for our sin He cried out in prayer that we might be one even as He and His Father are one (John 17:11, 21-23). This unity He prayed for would glorify God and cause the sweet aroma of the Gospel to spread to others. So, where are you out of tune with your Lord’s heart?
“Holy Spirit, Search me and shine your light on any area of my life in which I am being divisive. Let me see it for what it is and humbly repent. Cause my life to vibrate in unison with You.”
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Psalm 131:1
“Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity." Col 3:14
“Being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Eph 4:3