Early in our (David’s) marriage, my bride spent what I thought was an enormous amount of money ($70) on some fireplace tools at a craft fair. When I asked, “You did what?” here’s what she said, “The man said that these tools are so well made that we will be passing them down to our grandkids.” Even though we were about five years away from becoming parents, she had me at “grandkids.” I got a set of custom-made high value tools. Great!
Ironically, we haven’t had a wood burning fireplace for 20 years, so these world class tools sit in my attic… awaiting, I guess, my future grandchild’s first birthday?!
Here's the thing: When I look at these rod iron fireplace tools, they don’t look like much. And that’s how some of us feel about ourselves. We don’t look like much. We don’t feel like we have a lot to offer…especially compared to someone else.
The problem is that we don’t view ourselves as God views us - a valuable tool custom-made by THE Master Craftsman to do good works.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Ephesians 2:10
The word “workmanship” points to the fact that our Creator God custom-made what had not existed before. In Christ, we are one-of-a-kind, high quality, valuable tools. And a tool is only useful when it is in someone’s hand…being used.
So, as we get traction in this new year of 2022, let’s purpose to view ourselves as God views us – saved entirely by grace, indwelt by His Spirit, and custom-made into a world class tool. Put yourself in a position to let God use you to bless the people in your little section of the world. And if you’ve been sidelined in the attic for a season, it’s time to come out and jump into your Father’s hands and be the tool of blessing He created you to be. “Lord, who do You want to bless through me today?”