
Get Our New App!


FLM App Download Instructions

Our app is web-based which allows it to be accessed by all mobile devices AS WELL AS computers. The app can be saved to your mobile device just like you would save any website.

For Android Devices:

  • Go to the website (

    1. select the menu icon in the upper right (i.e. the 3 vertical dots)

    2. select the choice: “Save to Homescreen”

For Apple Devices:

  • Go to the website (

    1. select the icon on the bottom of the screen that looks like a square with an arrow pointing up

    2. select the choice: “Add to Homescreen”

Additional Instructions

The FLM icon will appear on your device. The first time you launch the app, you will be prompted to login using your email.

  • If you have a gmail account, enter that email. The system will automatically default to using your Google password.

  • If your email is other than a gmail account, then enter your email. You will be prompted to create a new password. Then, a confirmation email from "" will be sent to the email address you entered. Once you confirm, you are good to go! (Note: if you don’t see the confirmation email in your inbox, check your spam / junk email folder.)